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Our Vision

An electric vehicle industry that supports diverse people and practices, while creating a welcoming and fair workplace environment with a large proportion of women leading in every part of the value chain, from a battery engineer, to an electric bus driver, and a CEO. 

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Our Mission

WEVs “elEVates” women who are working in the EV industry by establishing a community built for “her” from the ground up. A space to coalesce women globally towards the urgent need to rapidly shift to electric transportation. Together, we create community and long lasting connections, by sharing stories, ideas, resources, and strategies to become better leaders & innovators in our industry. Because when women lead, communities and industries thrive. 

Our Guiding Principles

Empower, Elevate, Educate, Inspire, & Celebrate

While WEVs has formally established these 5 key principles, undergirding each and every one of them is the commitment to having fun while changing the world. Most importantly, we do so by embracing and raising each other up, ditching the ego while maintaining our pride and confidence. Our ethos is steeped in educating men and women alike on the challenges and opportunities ahead for making our industry the gold standard for a modern workplace.  

  1. Empower

    Deeply ingrained in the WEVs philosophy is to foster an environment in the EV industry where women can lead and grow worldwide EV adoption rapidly, with minimal barriers to entry. By connecting women with other industry influencers and creating a space that supports them in their EV career journey, we are empowering women to create change within and beyond the WEVs community. Part of employing this principle, means we often challenge the status quo, and we embrace that tension by finding comfort in exploring methods to iterate and improve “the way things have always been done.” 

  2. Elevate

    Create a cohort of connected women in the industry that embody and carry the mantle to “lift while she leads.” By employing the principle of elevating each other, we are using our skills, influence, and investment in the industry to ensure “she” succeeds, which in turn means the industry succeeds. 

  3. Educate

    We will strive to educate from within and outside of the organization, from issues women are facing in the industry, struggles in our daily workplaces, industrywide strategies to accelerate electric transportation, to educating event attendees about the diverse array of leaders influencing this industry. By providing more women a platform and promoting learning and education, we equip others with valuable knowledge and experience. 

  4. Inspire

    The ultimate guide for WEVs, as we are venturing out into the industry, remains to inspire change, understanding, inclusion and ultimately to inspire action on the part of women and men to care about how our industry welcomes, treats, and advances women who work in this sector. All of our members have inspirational stories to tell, and many members obtain the rare skills required to inspire others to join a movement, embodying this principle to its fullest. 

  5. Celebrate

    In daily practice, we ensure WEVs are amplifying each other’s wins and recognizing the vital contributions of diverse women in the EV industry. Taking the time to celebrate victories big and small inspire us all to track our progress and invest even greater effort into achieving the next important milestone. Regardless of the competitive nature of this industry, WEVs strive to lift up women in our recognition of progress for the industry, the individual, and for women more broadly. 

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Creating Community.

Portland, Oregon

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Having fun.

While driving electric.


WEV Highlight: Mette Hoé

Where are WEVs in the world? EVERYWHERE! From Antarctica to Sweden and beyond. While working on EV strategy in the Capital Region of Denmark, Copenhagen, Mette Hoé attended one of the first WEVs flagship events upon invitation from Ingrid Fish at the City of Portland. Since then she’s carried on committed as a WEV and eventually Homeward Bound selected her as 1 of 75 female in STEM from around the world to go on an epic journey to Antarctica in January 2019. She spent 3 weeks in Antarctica, during which time she raised awareness that only 20% of tech jobs are held by women, and 22% in transport. Mette believes that “with male-dominated fields, there is a risk that future urban development and transportation solutions are based on their understanding of performing possibility.”

— Mette Hoé, Partner at HOE360Consulting, WEV since 2014